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Net Zero by 2050 Achieving Carbon Neutrality

We commit, together with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and offset the residual ones, moving towards zero across the entire value chain. Our actions include increasing energy efficiency, using renewable energy and sustainable fuels, responsible forest management, and reducing plastic packaging.

Net Zero bis 2050
Achieving Carbon Neutrality

We commit, together with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and offset the residual ones, moving towards zero across the entire value chain. Our actions include increasing energy efficiency, using renewable energy and sustainable fuels, responsible forest management, and reducing plastic packaging

We source sustainable materials

Sustainability starts at the source. We only work with suppliers who adhere to FSC®, FSC Controlled Wood and PEFC™ critera, meaning the raw material for Regina products comes from responsibly managed forests.

We're using less plastic

By 2030, we want to half our use of plastic in production. And we've already introduced new paper packaging across a number of products. Where we still need to use it, we've switched to thinner plastic films and recycled materials to reduce our environmental impact where possible. And we've even used pioneering bioplastics in some markets - so watch this space for more progress!

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We're lowering our carbon footprint

In 2020, we reduced our CO2 emissions by 24% compared to 2009. Now we've set ourselves a new goal: to cut CO2 by another 40% before 2030. We're already making a great start, using greener energy sources to power our processes. We're using renewable electricity from solar panels and hydroelectricity as well as biomass power plants to reduce our footprint, as well as putting more energy saving measures in place across our business.

We're saving water

Water is the most precious resource on our planet, and we all have a part to play in reducing water waste. And at Regina, we're leading the charge. By closely monitoring our production processes, we've minimised the amount of water we use. In fact, our water consumption is now as much as 72% lower than the industry benchmark.

Clean Living For people, for our homes, and for our planet

“Sauber Leben” ist die Leitlinie, die unsere Arbeit inspiriert. Unsere Produkte werden entwickelt, um den Hygienebedarf der Familien und den Sauberkeitsanspruch der Haushalte zu erfüllen. Tag für Tag suchen wir nach fortschrittlichen und nachhaltigen Lösungen und treffen unsere Entscheidungen im Respekt vor Menschen und dem Planeten. Hier beginnt das Engagement von Sofidel für den Aufbau einer besseren Welt: gerechter und nachhaltiger.

Clean Living For people, for our homes, and for our planet

“Sauber Leben” ist die Leitlinie, die unsere Arbeit inspiriert.

Our products are created to meet the hygiene needs of families and the cleanliness of homes. Every day, we seek advanced and sustainable solutions, guiding our choices with respect for people and the planet.

This is where Sofidel's commitment to building a better world begins: a more equitable and sustainable one.